Friday, August 19, 2005


S2 was dismayed to find out that yesterday was Thursday. One more book to read by Monday or Tuesday. (And watch the DVD of To Kill a Mockingbird to refresh memory).

We are still without internet and cable. Watched a local station off of cable this morning (looks like TV at my grandparents homes when I was little except we have the fuzz in color.) and realized that I have not missed anything.

Yesterday I picked two gallons of blackberries and only came away with slightly purple hands. Will be making jelly today. It makes such a pretty purple color.

Went to the Cheese Shop to stock up on stuff for back to school lunches. (Lunches are going up to $2.00 this year and S1 and S2 have said that it will hurt their wallets too much).

Tonight is the band potluck dinner and viewing of what they will be doing this fall. Hope the music is better.

For those of you who know that Uncle D has a diagnosis of stage 3b lung cancer, he is doing well and has started 30 days of radiation and chemo in blocks of 5 days at a time. Talked to both he and N last night and they are rolling with the punches.

1 comment:

east village idiot said...

My son is going into second grade and he too is scrambling to read his second book to complete his two book reports for the summer. Luckily school starts after Labor Day.

I live in NYC and decided to not have cable for three years. At first I was nervous - then I realized I wasn't missing a thing. We had to sign up again for internet cable use. It's like 100 channels of nothing most of the time.

Is it hard to make jelly? I've always wanted to do that!

Sorry to read of your uncle's illness. Similar problems in my own family (as you've read). It's important to keep in mind that they are making advancements everyday in cancer research. I hope your uncle is not suffering.