Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Photos of Christmas Meal

Pecan Pie - (mother in law)
Peach Cobbler - (Mrs. Smiths)
Cookie Tray

Baked Ziti
Green Beans
Salad (mother-in-law)
Stuffed Turkey breast
Spiral Ham
Cheesy Potatoes
Homemade Braided Rolls
Homemade Peach Jam

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east village idiot said...

oh my god. I want to eat at your house...thought of you as I was driving through Virginia on my way to North Carolina for Christmas.

One day could you post nice places to spend a weekend or things to see in your neck of the woods?

jodi said...

What a great idea. I've long thought about places that I've been around here, taken the children etc but it has been awhile. Now I have an excuse to visit them all over again. Some may have to wait until spring though as one place to stay, (the Lodge at Big Meadows (Skyline Drive) I have not stayed at since S1 was a baby) will not open again until then.

Wish that I could say that I cooked like that all of the time. Holidays are the one time each year that I can indulge myself by cooking whatever I think will tempt my guys and I pretty much have a captive audience. And I'm pretty good at cooking some holiday foods.This year was no exception as my father-in-law stayed at the table long after everyone else.

Jodi Ohl said...

MMMM--looks delish friend!! I'm sure everyone had a full tummy by the time they walked away! I love to cook around the holidays as well--usually I do too much and this year was no exception. I can't help but pour over cookbooks and recipe sites picking out things to make..LOL. Those lemon squares look great-they are one of my favorite bar cookies!
2008--diet is on my list of resolutions!

Happy New Year to you!