Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009 - Words

I am thankful for the 21 year old who still falls for the family joke at Christmas.

For the card at the grocery store that I bought for S2 that plays the Halleluhah Chorus when it opens and the smile that was on his face when he opened it. Money was inside.

For the toy mouse that Heinz loves. Squeeks at the lightest touch.

That all the gifts ordered came before Christmas.

That the UPS men braved our street to deliver.

For a husband who loves his family, works hard and has a good job (and keeps the family joke going that makes his wife so very happy).


Tins and Treasures said...

Yes, we have so much to be thankful for! (Sooo...might you be sharing this family joke with us anytime soon?)

Happy Holiday Weekend ~Natalie

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

"For the card at the grocery store that I bought for S2 that plays the Halleluhah Chorus when it opens and the smile that was on his face when he opened it. Money was inside."

Ahhhh, that's the cute pic which was at the top of your last post!!! It says it perfectly hu? How "older kids" love money for presents. :-))) And what a cutie S2 is, btw.

Mmmmmm, guess you are going to keep us in suspense... as to the nature of "the family joke." :-) OK, if you prefer to do so. After all, it is a family thing.

But it's also not nice to tease us, either. -pout- -hisss- -moan- -groan- >,-)))))))

east village idiot said...

You have a wonderful family and much to celebrate at Christmas! Best wishes for a New Year filled with good health and happiness!