Friday, March 31, 2006

Happy 18th Birthday S1

S1 Facts

19 days - born after due date

36 hours - total labor hours (that ended in c section)

First words from doctor after birth - "Look at all of that red hair" (My husband and I are not redheads. My grandmother, 2 uncles and one cousin are. S1 is the only great grandchild with red hair).

Days spent acting out due to birth of brother 2 years later or to sibling rivalry - 0

Awards earned - School spelling bee champion - 5th grade
Citzenship award - 8th grade
Top PE boys award - 8th grade
Academic awards - English - 9th grade
PE -10th grade
English - 11th grade

Favorite cartoons to watch with Mom when little - Daffy Duck and anything on Nickolodean.

Favorite channel now - History Channel - (11th grade history was easy due to all of that WWII viewing!!) Posted by Picasa

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