Friday, May 02, 2008

Pre-prom dinner


I'm getting more than a few hits for a pre-prom dinner that I did about 4 years ago. The above photos will give anyone the idea of the set up. We live on 2 acres with a generous front yard. The diningroom table and kitchen table were put into the front yard with chairs. Smaller tables were used for serving.

To have a more uniform look and because I could use some new plates I bought brand new plates from Pier One that cost about $4.00 each. They are dishwasher and microwave safe. I found some pale tan calico fabric that I liked and made cloth napkins for everyone. The punchbowl came from a thrift/junk store. I lucked out in flowers as my year at preschool had just ended and I received many plants/bouquets that year.

I don't remember everything that I served. Homemade rolls, salad, salmon that was rolled around goat cheese and spinach. The punch was sprite and sherbet.

I didn't do much serving but left that to a charming younger brother who being a couple of years younger than the prom goers knew all of the guests.

If anyone has any questions I would be happy to try to answer.

Cost - $120.00 for the entire dinner. I never had the chance to do it again but would have in a heartbeat.
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1 comment:

east village idiot said...

What a great mom you are.